Modesto City Schools Assessment Center

Administrator of Special Projects: Veronica Chaidez
1017 Reno Avenue, Building B
Modesto, CA 95351
(209) 574-1590
Email for ELPAC Requests
Office Hours: 7:30 am to 4:00 pm

There are approximately 7500 English Learners that attend Modesto City Schools. The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is the mandated state test for determining English language proficiency. It is administered to newly enrolled students whose primary language is not English, as indicated on a home language survey; and annually as a summative assessment to students who have been previously identified as EL students.

Under the direction of the Administrator of Special Projects, the ELPAC is delivered via a computer-based test delivery platform. The four domains (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing) are administered on computer except for the Writing domain for kindergarten through grade two, which remains as a paper-based test.

In addition to administering ELPAC, the Assessment Center technicians administer the Woodcock-Johnson oral language test on request to give teachers a better understanding of a student's individual language abilities in order to make more informed educational placement and instructional decisions.

Photos from 2024 Reclassification Celebrations