Institutional Review Board (IRB)
The Modesto City Schools Institutional Review Board (MCS IRB) is a panel of expert staff that has been established to ensure that any research that has been requested to be conducted within MCS is safe for human subjects and in the best interest of MCS as an educational institution. MCS reserves the right to approve, deny, and/or ask to modify research that is proposed to the MCS IRB. Without the written consent of approval from the MCS IRB, research, done either internally or externally within MCS can not be conducted.
The purpose of the MCS IRB is to assure that the health and welfare of staff and students, and the overall professional well-being of MCS are foremost secured before, during, and after any proposed research is conducted. To accomplish this, the MCS IRB will review and meet (either in person or virtually) with the research to review all methodologies proposed.
To complete the MCS IRB process, please prepare the following:
Complete the MCS IRB application
Attach the proposed research tool(s) (such as surveys etc.)
Attach institutional IRB paperwork (if completed or drafted/approved by your Chair)
Attach completed drafts of master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation that full detail chapters 1-3: Introduction, Literature Review, and Methodology.
Email the completed packet to
Once the above-completed items have been received, you will be contacted for a meeting with the MCS IRB to review pertinent information and receive the next steps.